July 19th Trading Post Listings | ckfm.ca

2022-07-22 20:19:49 By : Ms. Rose Huang

Looking for: Bicycles 403-507-0135 Olds, AB*

For sale: 1995 Oldsmobile 98, black in colour/Chicken coop/Older handsaw 403-335-3896 Didsbury, AB*

For sale: Brand new queen-sized mattress and box spring $250 OBO/China cabinet, 23 inches wide, 18 inches deep, five feet tall, glass doors $150/Refrigerator, 30 by 30, 66 inches tall, works well $250 OBO 403-391-3689 Innisfail, AB*

For sale: 2006 Smart car, new tires, black and yellow in colour $4500 OBO/Looking for: 6 by 6 shack 403-728-3307 Markerville, AB*

For sale: 11L15 ten-ply implement tire 403-335-4574 Olds, AB*

For sale: Dry seasoned split firewood, pine 403-396-9703 Spruce View, AB*

For sale: 2013 John Deere RSX850I side-by-side, includes winch and snow plow $13,500 403-556-3962 Eagle Hill, AB*

For sale: Two wooden grainery floors, 15 feet across 403-335-4944 Didsbury, AB*

For sale: 13 by 7 feet long trailer, brand new $4800/Shelter-Logic portable garage, 10 by 20 by 8, brand new, grey in colour $600 403-507-2838 Olds, AB**

For sale: Two saws, one is a bandsaw, the other is a two-speed scroll saw $50 each 403-406-3246 Red Deer, AB*

For sale: 2005 ¾-ton Chevrolet HD, crew cab, 4×4, 260,000 kms on it $7000 OBO 403-638-1364 Sundre, AB*

Looking for: Battery-operated ride-on toy, car, tractor or jeep 403-335-4200 Didsbury, AB*

Looking for: Ten-foot or smaller tow-behind weed sprayer for a quad 403-556-9829 Olds, AB*

For sale: Four Heeler-Collie cross puppies, born April 21st, parents are both working dogs $500 OBO 403-629-1876 Sundre, AB*

Looking for: 8.75R16.5 LT tires, in good condition/Transmission for a 1998 Ford Expedition/Six to eight brown laying hens 403-519-4359 Caroline, AB*

For sale: Canecorso puppies, born February 24, vaccinated and dewormed, two females and one male $100 587-889-5649 Olds, AB*

For sale: 14-foot fibreglass canoe, with paddles, in good condition $350 OBO 403-860-1525 Olds, AB**

For sale: 2003 Volkswagen Passat, needs some mechanical work, body and interior in excellent condition, 192,000 kms on it, 2.8L V6 motor, automatic transmission, fully loaded with leather interior and sunroof $1899 587-807-6564 Lacombe, AB* TEXT ONLY

For sale: 3 by 4 by 8-foot barley straw bales, shedded 403-994-3200 NO LOCATION PROVIDED*

For sale: RV sofa bed, in good condition with queen-sized mattress, length is 75 inches, beige and grey $200 OBO 403-556-9465 Olds, AB*

For sale: Four solid wood chairs $15 each/Various VHS tapes $1 each 587-796-1155 Olds, AB*

Looking for: Driving reins for horses, 22 to 25 feet long/For sale: Older wagon wheel, in fair condition, needs some TLC, black in colour $1000 OBO/English Supra saddle, complete with firth, two pads, irons and leathers $300 OBO 403-556-0538 Sundre, AB* TEXT ONLY

For sale: Carpet cleaner $70 OBO/Looking for: Greenhouse 403-559-8528 NO LOCATION PROVIDED*

For sale: Fruit press, manual, metal stand, cedar press basket $40/English wheel $250 OBO/Truck box cover for a 2015 Ford short box or newer $200 403-464-3340 Didsbury, AB*

For sale: Office desk, solid wood, roll top, comes with two filing-organizer pieces $350 403-507-0732 NO LOCATION PROVIDED*

Looking for: 42-inch cutting deck for a YS4500 Craftsman riding mower, in good working condition 403-559-8443 Olds, AB*

Looking for: Five-bolt 135-17-inch rims for a 2003 Ford F150, four of them 403-588-4622 NO LOCATION PROVIDED*

Looking for: Gravel box, 12 to 14 feet long/Late 90’s Mack truck, CS250 or 300 series, running or for parts/Huff80 wheel loader 403-396-8629 Raven, AB*

For sale: Craftsman ten-inch compound mitre saw $75 403-638-8325 Sundre, AB*

For sale: Two puppies, one male, one female, Pomeranian-Chihuahua-Shitzu cross, vet-checked, dewormed, have had their first shots, born May 15 $1200 403-505-7935 Leslieville, AB*

For sale: Kawasaki Bayou 300 quad, 4×4, in great condition $1500/Massey 124 baler, hydraulic, in excellent condition $3000 403-507-7088 Didsbury, AB*

For sale: Three tri-colour Border Collie puppies, have had their first and second set of shots, dewormed $600 403-507-1980 NO LOCATION PROVIDED*

Looking for: Plastic barrel with plugs 403-636-0615 Sundre, AB*

For sale: 2009 Harley Davidson Alta Classic $14,000/20 by 12 clear view round-top $450 403-559-8755 NO LOCATION PROVIDED**

For sale: Two Australian Shepherds, one black, tan and white female, one black and white male $500 each 403-895-1791 Sundre, AB*

For sale: Demco Highjacker, 21,000 lbs, auto-slide, fifth wheel hitch, fits Ford F350s with pocket hitch mounts $1800 403-638-8461 Sundre, AB*

For sale: Arctic Fox 35.5Z fifth wheel/King-sized bed 403-507-1682 Didsbury, AB*

To Give Away: Bantam roosters/For sale: Fainting goats/Nannies and kids 403-994-3352 Olds, AB*

For sale: Livestock feed troughs, different sizes available $185 403-994-4474 Didsbury, AB**

Looking for: Single-axle pro drive manure spreader 403-556-0902 NO LOCATION PROVIDED*

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